Members Secret Santa Swap$20 + postage
Can be something handmade
Can also have store-bought goodies (sewing nick-nacks)
Can be Christmassy (or not)
Must contain some chocolate :)
Post Deadline: November 30th
Opening Date: December 14th TBC
Signed on:
1. Car Sweet (or luxury if easier)
2. Anna Sweet (Peppermint!) useful thrifted goods welcome, no sewing gadgets. Small pieces of small print fabrics good for fabric buttons welcome!
3. Kayscha (No choc please) Thrifted goods ok
4. Kirsty Sweet (No dark choc) ~ Some thifted ok, not sewing bits and bobs etc
5. Nic Luxury or Sweet (Dark Choc) Thrifted goods ok6. Ruth I like anything thrifted. And luxury - Chocolate is great. Coffee is my other weakness.
7. Dani Luxury ~ Thifted goods ok8. Esther Useful Thifted ok, not ric rac/bibs & bobs etc
9. Becky Sweet or Luxury ~ Thrifted goods ok
10. Beebeejaybee Sweet (Dark Choc) ~ Thrifted ok