Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2010 Secret Santa

Made or bought, max $20 to be posted on the 1st of December.

Something for the sewing room that you would love but wouldn't buy for yourself i.e. a little luxury

Kirsty - Yes, prior years Kayscha & Rose
Car - Yes, prior years Anna & Kayscha
Kayscha - Yes*, prior years Dani &
Esther - Yes; prior years Kirsty & Nic
LWD - Yes
Ruth - Yes, prior year Kirsty & Car
Anna - Yes, prior years, BBJB
Nic - Yes, prior years Car
Rose - Yes
PennyWiggle - Yes
Dani - Yes, prior year Becky
JotsMum (Shirley) - Yes
BBJB (Belinda) - Yes

Let me know if I have forgotten anybody

* must arrive by 21th November.


Louise said...

I'm going to have to miss this one - I am so far behind that I still have to sew my RR together! :)

princess pudge said...


Nic Wood said...

Im definately in again. I recieved from Esther and made for Car last year.
(Just wondering if Ive been hanging around long enough yet to get a link to my blog added to the side bar ;) )

Nic xxx

red in oz said...

Yeah, count me in :)

Miss Silver Spoon Vintage said...

Mine is posted!